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Обзорная экскурсия по Куала Лумпуру


Уютные каюты для экономных путешественников, расположенные вблизи мест активных развлечений. В номере оборудована удобная система хранения одежды, душевая комната и кондиционер. Для ребенка в возрасте от 7 лет требуется отдельное место в каюте, как для взрослого.

Уютные каюты для экономных путешественников, расположенные вблизи мест активных развлечений. В номере оборудована удобная система хранения одежды, душевая комната и кондиционер. Для ребенка в возрасте от 7 лет требуется отдельное место в каюте, как для взрослого.

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  • Завтрак, инструктаж
  • 5 погружений
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  • Завтрак, инструктаж
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Reefs & Wrecks

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Please note: As a 21+ DIVES cruise, there"s a good chance to enjoy 21 or more dives on a 7-day safari if you choose to.

You don"t need a minimum number of dives, but you should be comfortable with drift dives, as currents can be unpredictable and strong. If you are an Open Water Diver, some dives are below 18m therefore we recommend having advanced experience or taking your PADI Advanced Open Water course on board to maximise your enjoyment from the trip. Inexperienced and beginner divers may find some dives challenging and may be asked by the Cruise Director to skip dives that are not suitable for their diving experience. All diving is made from zodiacs to give precise entry and exit points.

This itinerary presents the best of both worlds, where you visit famous wrecks in the northern Red Sea along with some stunning reef diving.

The famous horseshoe shaped reef of Shaab El Erg is a perfect example of the reefs on offer on this cruise with its beautiful hard coral garden and the chance to see dolphins.

Abu Nuhas has four well-known wrecks: Giannis D, Carnatic, the Chrisoula K ("tile wreck") and the Kimon M ("lentil wreck"), all offering spectacular dives and plenty of fish life.

In between wreck dives you will also visit the reefs of the Straits of Gubal, Gulf of Suez and those to the north of Hurghada. A variety of deep walls and hard coral gardens with an abundance of reef fish make them well worth a visit.

Night dives can be superb as Gubal Island offers protected anchoring for the night. A small wreck at 8-10 metres makes for a spectacular night dive with lionfish, scorpion fish and its resident giant moray eel as well as the wreck of the Ulysses. Next onto the Kingston lying at Shag Rock, the Carina lying close to Sha"ab Ali and the Dunraven at Beacon Rock.

Ras Mohamed lies on the southernmost tip of the Sinai and is one of the best kept National Parks in Egypt with waters full of nutrients, steep walls going down to a depth of 1000 metres attracting a large amount of big fish and earning itself a reputation as one of the top diving areas in the world. Whilst here, you may have the chance to dive at Shark Reef; a sheer wall falling into the blue, as well as the wreck of the Yolanda.

Jackson Reef, locally named the "Aquarium", is Tiran"s most popular dive with the "Jackson Drift" being Sharm"s" fastest and most exhilarating drift dive past a stunning wall bursting with prolific coral growth. Occasionally, in the summer months, a school of scalloped hammerheads can be seen. Thomas Reef gives you plunging walls covered with soft coral, gorgonians and colourful fish life. The west wall is darker with overhangs and caves full of glassfish and sweepers. A night dive at Gordon Reef promises various species of coral, small nudibranchs hidden in the crevices and the soft corals and a chance to see white tip reef sharks, eagle rays, octopus and different types of eel such as moray, peppered and gold edged morays.

Finally the most famous wreck in the Red Sea, the SS Thistlegorm, at Shaab Ali and including a night dive on Thistle. The Thistlegorm was sunk in 1941 after being bombed by the German Luftwaffe while on a mission to deliver a cargo of ammunition and other war materials to the British troops in North Africa.

From here the boat heads back towards Hurghada.

All dives sites are subject to divers" experience and weather conditions.

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Danil Toroshchin
on itinerary Reefs & Wrecks
Был на сафари в 2018 году. Менеджер тура и дайв-гиды - итальянцы. Лодка не новая, но все работает, есть все что нужно для дайвинга и отдыха. Сама нырялка организована профессионально, "пустых" сайтов, практически, не было. Кухня отличная. По соотношению цена-качество это один из лучших вариантов.
Travel period: deс'2019
Maxim Khomyakov
on itinerary Reefs & Wrecks
Понравилась яхта и маршрут поездки. Превосходая яхта, всё понравилось!
Travel period: oct'2019

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