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One of the thrilling dive sites in the world. You can find hundreds of friendly local stingrays welcoming customers. The place also provides divers the opportunity to visit a breathtaking habitat of multiple species tropical fishes.

Take your time and enjoy the underwater lives.

Location: 20 minutes from Hulhumale.
Highlights: Stingrays, Moray Eels.
Diving Depth: Min 4m / Max 30m.
Experience: For beginners & Advanced divers.


A very small reef with unknown steel wreck. The place provides divers the chances to experience the dark cargo wreck and with lots of underwater lives like corals, algae, sponges, colorful sea squirts, lots of little fishes and the odd grey frog fish can be found on the deck.

The average visibility is 10–20 meters.

When you have explored the wreck swim over the pinnacle and explore its small overhangs and caverns. There divers are greeted by plenty of hidden frog fishes, leaf fishes and Maldivian clown fishes too.

Location: 20–30 minutes from Dhigufinolhu.
Highlights: Frog Fish, Maldivian Clown fish, Corals algae etc.
Diving Depth: Maximum 40 meters.
Experience: For beginners & Advanced divers.


A beautiful pinnacle which lies in the bottom of the channel. The top of this pinnacle is around 12 meters descending and the surrounding around 40 meters deep on all sides. The most attractive areas of this pinnacle are the eastern and the northern side with all the hangings and soft corals they are amazing.

Here divers can experience large school of fishes, eagle rays, whitetip sharks, green turtles, and grey reef sharks. But the location of the species changes according to the current. The average visibility of the site is up to 30 meters.

Location: North of Kandooma.
Highlights: Rich diversity, Big schools of fishes, Eagle rays, Whitetip Shark, Green turtles and Grey reef sharks.
Diving Depth: 10–30 meters.
Experience: Beginners and experienced divers.


This an extra ordinary dive site especially when the sun sets. One of the most famous diving sites among liveaboards.

Most common faunas found in this site include Nurse sharks, Black tips, Marble rays, Jacks.

The average depth is 10 meters and the maximum you can reach is 15 meters. This site is special for beginners.

Location: Alimatha.
Highlights: Nurse sharks, sting rays, Jacks.
Diving Depth: 10 meters – 15 meters.
Experience: Beginners and advanced divers.


Also in Dhigurah Kandhu, Five Rocks is formed by a pinnacle that has been split into five pieces over the centuries. Theses “rocks” reach from 12 meters below sea level to 40 meters at the sandy sea floor.

Numerous overhangs and ocean-swept currents provide the perfect environment for vibrant corals, plenty of reef fish and white tip reef sharks. Five rocks are a favorite among photographers for its dramatic landscapes.

Location: 20 minutes from Dhigurah Island, South Ari Atoll.
Diving Depth: 12 to 40 meters.
Highlights: Corals, Reef fish, Sharks.
Experience: Beginners and advanced divers.


On the eastern side of the neighbouring island lies this narrow thila running north to south. On the west side is a steep drop off with caves and overhangs from 10-25 meters. The eastern sided is less steep and drops off towards the outer atoll providing some interesting caves and overhangs. There are many large sea fans and plenty of fish including bat fish, fusiliers, and snappers. The corals on the top reef are very nice and provide the fish with shelter from the current. Reef sharks and Eagle rays are regular visitors. Mantas and whale sharks are occasionally seen in this area.

With a strong current it is a demanding site.

Location: 20-15 minutes from Vilamendhoo.
Diving Depth: 10 meters to 30 meters.
Highlights: Sea fans, Batfish, Fusiliers.
Experience: Beginners and Advance divers.


The Maldives is one of the best destination in the world for swimming with whale sharks. And the best place in the to find these huge fish is Maamigili Beyru. The southern shore of the island opens to the Indian Ocean and boasts a plateau of 5 to 10 meters, making it very easy to spot the whale sharks that cruise by.

For the best chance at a whale shark encounter, travel to Maamigili Beyru during the week building up to a full moon.

At this location, swimming with whale sharks can be enjoyed both by snorkelers as well as scuba divers.

Location: 10 Minutes from Maamigili Island.
Diving Depth: 5 to 10 meters.
Highlights: Whale Sharks.
Experience: Beginners and Advance divers.


Located on the border of South and North Ari atoll is the perfect place to encounter the majestic giants of Indian Ocean: Manta Rays. These huge rays gather on this cleaning station to dance in a circular motion while busy cleaner wrasse scrub their bodies. These small fish enjoy lunch by removing leftovers from the Mantas’ massive mouth.

From December to April this massive this spectacular underwater display should be on every divers bucket list.

Other than Manta Rays White tip and grey reef sharks together with Napoleon wrasse and schools of snappers as well as Tuna and Trevally cruise along the plateau all year round.

Location: 20 minutes from Moofushi Island.
Diving Depth:
Highlights: Manta Rays, Reef Sharks, Napoleon Wrasse, Tuna.
Experience: Beginners and Advanced divers.


Far from land in the mid-eastern part of the atoll, Fish Head (Shark Point or Mushimasmigili Thila) is one of the best shark dives in the Maldives.

The small pinnacle reaches down to 35 meters and features a number of caves and overhangs. In the past, sharks were fed in the area. The tradition has thankfully ended, but the sharks remain. Up to 16 resident grey reef sharks can be spotted on a single dive, darting at an unsettling speed.

Location: 45 Minutes from Maayaafushi Island, North Ari Atoll.
Diving Depth: 30 to 35 meters.
Highlights: Sharks.
Experience: Advanced divers.


Day or night Maayaa Thila ranks among the best dive sites in the Maldives. This pinnacle, which starts at 6 meters and reaches down to 30 meters, is home for dozens of white tip reef sharks, a variety of sting rays, giant trevally, barracuda and nurse sharks. But the real show begins after sundown.

Jumping in the water in the dark of the night, you are immediately surrounded by feeding frenzy. Simply, swim around the pinnacle and enjoy the action!

Location: 30 minutes from Mayaafushi Island, Ari Atoll.
Diving Depth: 6 to 30 meters.
Highlights: White tip sharks, Sting rays, Barracuda, Nurse sharks.
Experience: Beginners and advanced divers.


It is a classic Maldivian channel dive. The coral ridge starts at 5 meters depths and extends down to 30 meters into a channel on the east side of North Ari Atoll. Big Napoleon wrasse, grey reef sharks, turtles, school of eagle rays and big tuna can be found all along the reef.

This is the perfect place to employ your reef hook and feel like you are parachuting underwater. Hook yourself in and watch the cinema of reef life-play before your eyes as grey reef sharks cruise by in large numbers and numerous little fish try their best to swim against the current and feed on the plankton that flows through the channel. Most of your diving will be spend around 20 meters.

Location: 25 Minutes from Bathala Island.
Diving Depth: 5 to 30 meters.
Highlights: Turtles, Reef Sharks, Eagle Rays.
Experience: Beginners and Advanced divers.

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