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Уютные каюты для экономных путешественников, расположенные вблизи мест активных развлечений. В номере оборудована удобная система хранения одежды, душевая комната и кондиционер. Для ребенка в возрасте от 7 лет требуется отдельное место в каюте, как для взрослого.

Уютные каюты для экономных путешественников, расположенные вблизи мест активных развлечений. В номере оборудована удобная система хранения одежды, душевая комната и кондиционер. Для ребенка в возрасте от 7 лет требуется отдельное место в каюте, как для взрослого.

День 1
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  • Завтрак, инструктаж
  • 5 погружений
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  • Завтрак, инструктаж
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День 4
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  • Завтрак, инструктаж
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Long arm octopuses

Octopus minor, otherwise known as the Long arm Octopus or the Korean Common Octopus, is a small bodied octopus species distributed along the benthic coastal waters surrounding Eastern China, Japan, and the Korean Peninsula. It lives at depths ranging from 0 – 200m. O. minor is commonly found in the mudflats of sub-tidal zones leaving it exposed to significant environmental variations. It is grouped within the class Cephalopoda along with squids and cuttlefish.

O. minor carries cultural and economic value in the Asian countries in which it is found. It is important commercially to the fishing communities in Korea, it contributes to the $35 million octopus industry. It is recognised as a Korean culinary seafood option, commonly referred to as ‘Nakji’(낙지). The octopus is served both cooked and raw, and is often a snack during sporting events.

There have been multiple findings concerning the physiological makeup of the O. minor. It has been shown to host a dangerous parasite, whilst also demonstrating the ability to adapt its morphology to wide-ranging environmental conditions. These characteristics have increased interest in the species and its genome has been mapped.

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